On the External Morphology of Idiocerus clypealis Leth (Homoptera: Jassidae).


  • B. K. Srivastava




A detailed morphological study of the adult Idiocerus clypealis Leth, is presented for investigators interested in the structure of Jassidae. The illustrations include external anatomical features of both dorsal and ventral aspects of the head capsule, thorax and abdomen. The more important features are as follows: 1. The head has got a prominent and convex clypeal region. The vertex possesses two distinct black areas which are absent in females. Anteclypeal plate is developed. The antennae are setaceous consisting of 54 to 58 segments. The female antennae bear a disc like swelling on the tip. - 2. The pronotum is devoid of sutures and forms a semi circular convex collar of the head. The mesothorax is well developed and occupies almost whole of the thoracic region. Metatergum is small and completely fused with the metapleuron and metasternum. In the fore wing costa and subcosta are fused, radius is two branched and media is unbranched. - 3. Eleven abdominal segments are distinguished, the first being added to the metathorax and the second forms a short stalk for the abdomen. The antecosta and acrotergite are lost. In male the third pleuron is devoid of spiracle. A detailed account of the male and female genitalia is given.




How to Cite

Srivastava, B. K. 1958: On the External Morphology of Idiocerus clypealis Leth (Homoptera: Jassidae). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 8(5-6): 732–744 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.8.5-6.732-744


